Imagination is audacious, it leads us to places, which are totally unknown to us. It leads us to things, which nobody else would have ever thought of. Its a sole property of the individual. What I imagine, maybe you cannot, what you imagine, the others cannot. My imagination takes me to different places, and yours takes you to different. Some people say, I imagine a lot, which they think

Imagination is the key to the inventions and discoveries. If the great scientists hadn't imagined things like television, aeroplanes, radio, etc, there wouldn't have been anything. Each one of them had a blueprint of the final product in their minds, only because of which, they were able to turn them into reality.
Imagination widens your range of thoughts. It allows you to see beyond the conventions. Its the same old logic, to do something new, you have to make a blueprint in your mind. Imagine yourself doing what you have wished for, achieving what you are working for. It could be as small as losing your weight, imagine yourself burning the calories at the gym, and eventually, view yourself with the slim clear figure. And it could be as big as clearing an entrance exam, imagine yourself, studying at the IIT campus, eating in the IIT canteen.
But, there is a very thin line, in getting positive results, and screwing up your life via imagination. I have learnt this recently, that imagining negative things can transform happiness into sorrow. It can also hamper what we already have, instead of getting more happiness. Sometimes, we start imagining negative things, and as you know, the world around you becomes a copy of the picture in your mind. Imagining negative things can lead to more sorrow, because when we start imagining negative things, we picture the world around us in a negative way. Soon, everything around us seems negative, we start percieveing everything, everyone, as negative.
I never knew, my imaginative mind would ever create problems for me. But it happened, and now I have learnt NOT to imagine negativity. NEVER..
So, my imagination is again a bliss, as it always was. Be happy, and always imagine good things around, because: