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That Thing Called Life

Monday, August 15, 2011


angels- The literal meaning of an angel is messenger sent by god. We all have grown up watching the beautiful fairies and angels in books dressed in white and having wings. Most of the children believe that the fairies come and fulfill their wishes, grant them gifts and keep them happy.
On the contrary, I never believed in fairies and angels when I was young. I never used to read the fairy tales that my mom or some one else gifted me. I never realised, but I have always lived in reality, I always believed in real people, instead of imaginary. As a child, I never fancied gifts from santa claus on christmas. I always believed that he doesn't exist.
I don't say that angels don't exist. They do exist. They fulfill our wishes, they make us happy. Whenever we are in need, god sends an angel into our life. This angel arrives in the form of a person, a real person, whom we may or may not be acquainted with. The person can be some one as close as our mother or a friend and it can also be a stranger. Just any one, who is destined to come and help us, when we are in need.
Sometimes, even we are unaware of the fact, that we need help, we need some one, a friend, a lover, or some one simply to listen to us, to introduce us to ourselves. Sometimes, some one teaches us a lesson unknowingly which brings an immense change in us, and we are left stunned at ourselves. When we don't even need advice, we don't even need help, someone just influences us in a way that our approach, our personality transforms into a more charming one. These people, who unknowingly affect our lives are angels.It just happens, when you were surrounded with problems, and there seemed no feasible solution, how some friend or relative did something that suddenly elevated you from the enclosure of problems. You suddenly started feeling relieved. They are the real messengers sent by god to help us, to make us happy. God cannot be every where, neither every one has the power of intuition to identify the hidden omens but god certainly sends some people who appear unknowingly and heal everything. 
As I said earlier, I never used to believe in angels and fairies as a child, but now I do believe in angels as real people. Now, I believe in santa claus, because my dad is my santa claus, he is the one who always fulfills my wishes. My mom is my fairy, she always wants to see me happy, and appears out of nowhere to solve my problems. My friends are my angels, because they always help me and are always there, they can see the pain in my eyes, even if I say "I am fine". 

"God cannot be everywhere, so he sent some special people to our lives, who relieve us from our pain, help us in need, and always ensure that we are on the right path".

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dear god, from the bottom of my heart.

Dear god, 

I had always heard "god helps those who help themselves" . I never understood the meaning till I saw it happening with myself. I don't know whether I am a fool or what, but I don't understand something till I haven't experienced it. I learn only from experiences, not from lectures. I always knew you were there, besides me. But I never understood what you had been trying to teach me. You wanted me to open my eyes, speculate and understand that the life I was leading was not what you wanted me to lead. That everybody deserves their share of happiness and respect. You had directed me , given enough hints, but it was me who kept my eyes shut! I just shut out all the signs and decided to cling to the cobweb. I had enervated my senses struggling in the wrong direction. I had victimised myself for too long. I had developed a thinking that I can't get out of it, inspite of being unhappy, being hemmed by the situation, I had started to believe that this is my destiny. I knew my soul had been hurt, it wasn't growing, it was just being impoverished. Still, I could not take that leap towards my salvation. I liked the routine, I liked the monotony of being sad. Everybody loathes change, so did I . 

Somehow, I was punishing myself, and another soul. But , you do perform miracles. You do that in the form of angels and the secret messages they carry. You granted me with the strength, and the wisdom to move out, to open my eyes and see that I deserve to be happy, to be free. That I was commiting the biggest mistake of my life. I had made mistakes, plenty of them! And I needed to get out of the cobweb. I was directed to the path towards my salvation. You helped me at each and every step, through one thing or the other, through one person or the other, you kept sending the messages. My faith in you has grown manifold. I don't care about what people say, but now I can feel my soul growing. I can feel my mind opening to new ideas. I am thinking about myself, my future , my dreams instead of some one else's . I am in love with my life now. I truly feel like your favourite child. It wasn't easy, it came with a lot of pain. But you granted me the strength too. 

Thank you god, from the bottom of my heart. You exist, and you do perform miracles! :)
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Love n hate..

It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.”