FAITH- Actually, I never understood the exact meaning of faith. I guess, most of us don't. Whatever little I understand, I am writing.
I've heard:
"Faith is to believe what you can't see"
We can't see God,We don't know whether he is there or not, but we have faith in him, that he is the one, who has brought us into existence. We know that it's him who is responsible for the good and the bad, the smiles and the tears, the success and the failure. He makes it happen.
When bad times fall, it is hard to believe this very line, it becomes hard to believe that whatever happens, happens for good. We often think, that if it is bringing so much of grief to us, how can it be for good? FAITH is the answer to everything. We should try to have faith in him, faith in the creator of this world.
One of my friends says you should think that you are God's favourite child. You should have faith, that he will not do any harm to you. Don't feel sad because something happened to you, smile because it happened. It saved you from further harm.
We can't define love, but we know that it exists. We have faith in our parents, our family that they love us. We know they won't cause us any harm.
Only if having complete faith was something as easy as saying all this, life would be full of happiness. We would not cry if something bad happened to us, because we would have complete faith in the almighty. We would not cry because our parents scolded us, or didn't fulfill our wish, because we would have complete faith in them.
I believe that we should have faith only in the God and our parents. Because they are our creators. They are responsible for our existence. We are a part of them. They are the only ones who love us selflessly.
No one else deserves our faith. Because no one else can love us selflessly. No one else in this material world will sacrifice their happiness for ours, no one else will love us more than they love themselves.
I have faith in god, that he will give the best I deserve, he will be fair in his decisions towards me, and I will be fair too, in my deeds.
Regards to those who love me.
:) :)
Life as you know tries to teach you a million things everyday! It's just about how often you grab the opportunity. This blog is where I write what I learn, feel and think..
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Zarurat hai ek sundar,sushil ladki ki
We all have seen the matrimonial advertisements in newspapers, on the internet, and even on the television these days. "zarurat hai ek sundar sushil ladki ki..."
I wonder:
1. If all boys want a fair,beautiful girl, then where will all the dark and not-so-beautiful girls go? These families never think about What their son looks like,they just want a beautiful bride-groom. As if they are looking for a show-piece for their drawing room. A show piece to show off to the relatives and make it a way of enhancing their reputation in the society. Why are the girls always required to be beautiful? Why don't these aunties n uncles understand the famous "BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER" ??
2. "Ladki ko ghar ka kaam ache se aana chahiye"
This is another requisite which most of the mothers of grooms ask for. Are they looking for a bride or a household maid-servant. I mean they want everything, the girl should know household work, and she should earn also. They expect from her a perfect behaviour, as if balancing the home and work is a child's play.
The boys or the 'grooms-to-be' fret over the fact that their wife-to-be should be Sushil. As in, she shouldn't have had any past relationships or link-ups and most importantly should be a virgin. Do they ever think of their own past records. How many girls have they dated? How many girls have they played around with?? How many girls have they slept with?? Everything they did was fair, and if a girl have had a past relationship, they simply put a question on her character, say that her character is not good. Worst case, if the girl is not a virgin. Most of the boys create an issue out of it.
The society always pin-points the girls. Whatever be the problem,they accuse the girl. In relationships, girls are the ones who compromise the most, still they are accused when problems occur. Any small mistake on the part of the girl is fussed about. Whereas, the boys are free to do whatever they want to, behave with their wives whichever way they want to, but the girl has to be submissive, otherwise she is not considered "sushil".
Why do they always expect the girl to compromise?Why don't they consider girls and boys to be equal. Why do they have this paradoxical attitude? Why don't they let the girls live by their own will? These questions are always going to remain unanswered.The older generation ought to be less paradoxical and start thinking in a broad manner. If the boys have a right to live by their own rules, the girls should have the same.
I wonder:
1. If all boys want a fair,beautiful girl, then where will all the dark and not-so-beautiful girls go? These families never think about What their son looks like,they just want a beautiful bride-groom. As if they are looking for a show-piece for their drawing room. A show piece to show off to the relatives and make it a way of enhancing their reputation in the society. Why are the girls always required to be beautiful? Why don't these aunties n uncles understand the famous "BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER" ??
2. "Ladki ko ghar ka kaam ache se aana chahiye"
This is another requisite which most of the mothers of grooms ask for. Are they looking for a bride or a household maid-servant. I mean they want everything, the girl should know household work, and she should earn also. They expect from her a perfect behaviour, as if balancing the home and work is a child's play.
The boys or the 'grooms-to-be' fret over the fact that their wife-to-be should be Sushil. As in, she shouldn't have had any past relationships or link-ups and most importantly should be a virgin. Do they ever think of their own past records. How many girls have they dated? How many girls have they played around with?? How many girls have they slept with?? Everything they did was fair, and if a girl have had a past relationship, they simply put a question on her character, say that her character is not good. Worst case, if the girl is not a virgin. Most of the boys create an issue out of it.
The society always pin-points the girls. Whatever be the problem,they accuse the girl. In relationships, girls are the ones who compromise the most, still they are accused when problems occur. Any small mistake on the part of the girl is fussed about. Whereas, the boys are free to do whatever they want to, behave with their wives whichever way they want to, but the girl has to be submissive, otherwise she is not considered "sushil".
Why do they always expect the girl to compromise?Why don't they consider girls and boys to be equal. Why do they have this paradoxical attitude? Why don't they let the girls live by their own will? These questions are always going to remain unanswered.The older generation ought to be less paradoxical and start thinking in a broad manner. If the boys have a right to live by their own rules, the girls should have the same.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I am not a writer

I am not a writer
I do not know how to impress, I just know how to express..
I let the river of thoughts to flow,
I soar high in the sky of dreams.
The figures of speech, tense and the verb
leave me amazed.
At the grammar book,
I gaze.
I do not know which word should be used and which should not,
But I know that we should hate none and love all.
I do not know much words from the dictionary,
But I know words enough to cheer you up.
I am unknown to the world of the adjective and the verb,
But I am well acquainted with the world of dreams,
I have them in abundance,
and the faith to make them true,
The garden of my mind blooms
with the buds of dreams,
each of which will grow into a beautiful flower.
The pallete of my mind has
thoughts of every colour
which make life colourful
and a joy to live.
I do not believe in following the rules,
As i do not know any,
I just write to express.
With dreams as my language
and thoughts as my grammar,
I express,
I am not a Writer
I am a Dreamer
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Of Love and Longing
Love, as we know is the purest of all feelings. The best of every relationship is an outcome of love.
"A happy relationship is like a rose, with love in its each fold."
Love is like a saviour, and hatred, a devil. When we love someone, we feel attached to them. And when we do not have what we desire, it is longing.
Longing means a desire to get something or someone you love. A desire as small as getting a new dress you fancied when you saw it at the showroom, or a desire to achieve success of which you have dreamed of, or wanting some one to love you.
Some people mistake longing with suffering. Longing is not suffering, it is a sweet pain which you experience, when you really want something or some one. Infact, it is the best part of a relationship, when you actually realise how much you love someone.
When I was young, I used to stand at my balcony for hours to wait for my dad when he used to go out for work. The happiness achieved after longing for someone for a long time, is a unique one.
My mother says.. What is love, without longing.. Very true it is, how will you feel the pleasure of love if you have not suffered the sweet pain of longing.
We realise the intensity of our love by the longing. It is a unique feeling, waiting for someone just to be with them, hear their voice, feel their presence. You must have seen lovers swearing to each other about spending their lives together, waiting for the day, when they will be together. Each day passes with longing to be with their lover. You must have been wondering, how pitiful situation they are in. Actually, they are very lucky to experience the pleasure of longing for someone because real happiness is achieved after getting something for which you have longed for.
Longing for some one may appear to be painful for a while, but according to me, it is the most beautiful part. You actually get to know, how much you love them, how much you want to be with them, what all you miss in them. It is not difficult if you see the positive side of it. Think of the happiness you will experience when you get what you were longing for. The happiness accumulates with each day of longing. And when it ends, the moments spent together make unforgettable memories.
Never blame the distance between you and your loved ones, just think of the joy you will get when the longing ends.
"A happy relationship is like a rose, with love in its each fold."
Love is like a saviour, and hatred, a devil. When we love someone, we feel attached to them. And when we do not have what we desire, it is longing.
Longing means a desire to get something or someone you love. A desire as small as getting a new dress you fancied when you saw it at the showroom, or a desire to achieve success of which you have dreamed of, or wanting some one to love you.
Some people mistake longing with suffering. Longing is not suffering, it is a sweet pain which you experience, when you really want something or some one. Infact, it is the best part of a relationship, when you actually realise how much you love someone.
When I was young, I used to stand at my balcony for hours to wait for my dad when he used to go out for work. The happiness achieved after longing for someone for a long time, is a unique one.
My mother says.. What is love, without longing.. Very true it is, how will you feel the pleasure of love if you have not suffered the sweet pain of longing.
We realise the intensity of our love by the longing. It is a unique feeling, waiting for someone just to be with them, hear their voice, feel their presence. You must have seen lovers swearing to each other about spending their lives together, waiting for the day, when they will be together. Each day passes with longing to be with their lover. You must have been wondering, how pitiful situation they are in. Actually, they are very lucky to experience the pleasure of longing for someone because real happiness is achieved after getting something for which you have longed for.
Longing for some one may appear to be painful for a while, but according to me, it is the most beautiful part. You actually get to know, how much you love them, how much you want to be with them, what all you miss in them. It is not difficult if you see the positive side of it. Think of the happiness you will experience when you get what you were longing for. The happiness accumulates with each day of longing. And when it ends, the moments spent together make unforgettable memories.
Never blame the distance between you and your loved ones, just think of the joy you will get when the longing ends.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"Courage"- The thing which all of us claim to possess but very few people actually possess it.
Most of the people of our age think that courage is all about going alone to an unknown place, or to ask out a girl/boy or to fight with some one else or some other small silly things.
Very few of us have the courage to face life. Very few of us have the courage to face the crucial situations of life and act wisely in them. Very few of us have the courage to get out of the cobwebs of the society, to take major decisions against the society and our parents. Very few of us have the courage to get out of the convention and do something different.
Very few of us have the courage to follow our dreams, because rest of the world says that they are silly.
It is easy to preach and difficult to act. Here, I preach about following your dreams and pursuing your choices. But, when I had the best opportunity,I was unable to break the convention, to follow my dreams, to decide my career against the wish of my parents. I was also a victim of the Social status and family expectation factors. After completing my +2, being a science student, I had the option to choose whatever course I wanted to, but I was taken in by the expectations of my parents, family and teachers. I was blinded by the information fed into my mind about pursuing a proffesional degree rather than a course of my choice.
I had the spark somewhere inside, that I am born to do something creative, but never had the courage to pursue it. Whenever i spoke something of it, my parents used to say " beta you have scored so well in your 12th std, you should go for a proffesional course, you have the capability, then why do you want to waste it in some silly fashion or english undergraduation course"..
And I, never had the courage to break the convention and here I am, struggling to fit myself in this technical course. Here I am,satisfying the artist in me by writing in this blog and pursuing drawing courses in the summer holidays.
I wish I had the courage to go out and do whatever i wanted.. I am still trying to gather all the courage required to fulfill my creative dreams.
I somehow managed to get the courage to start this blog and start writing. And it keeps me happy. I wish to achieve the courage to take bigger steps in life. And I am trying each day.
I truly want that you learn from my mistakes, because the one who learns from other's mistakes is wise.It saves you from unecessary pain and regret.
Your decisions must be taken by yourselves, don't let others influence you..Act wisely, have the courage to face everything and every one.
I wish the best for all of you..
Be happy.. :)
Most of the people of our age think that courage is all about going alone to an unknown place, or to ask out a girl/boy or to fight with some one else or some other small silly things.
Very few of us have the courage to face life. Very few of us have the courage to face the crucial situations of life and act wisely in them. Very few of us have the courage to get out of the cobwebs of the society, to take major decisions against the society and our parents. Very few of us have the courage to get out of the convention and do something different.
Very few of us have the courage to follow our dreams, because rest of the world says that they are silly.
It is easy to preach and difficult to act. Here, I preach about following your dreams and pursuing your choices. But, when I had the best opportunity,I was unable to break the convention, to follow my dreams, to decide my career against the wish of my parents. I was also a victim of the Social status and family expectation factors. After completing my +2, being a science student, I had the option to choose whatever course I wanted to, but I was taken in by the expectations of my parents, family and teachers. I was blinded by the information fed into my mind about pursuing a proffesional degree rather than a course of my choice.
I had the spark somewhere inside, that I am born to do something creative, but never had the courage to pursue it. Whenever i spoke something of it, my parents used to say " beta you have scored so well in your 12th std, you should go for a proffesional course, you have the capability, then why do you want to waste it in some silly fashion or english undergraduation course"..
And I, never had the courage to break the convention and here I am, struggling to fit myself in this technical course. Here I am,satisfying the artist in me by writing in this blog and pursuing drawing courses in the summer holidays.
I wish I had the courage to go out and do whatever i wanted.. I am still trying to gather all the courage required to fulfill my creative dreams.
I somehow managed to get the courage to start this blog and start writing. And it keeps me happy. I wish to achieve the courage to take bigger steps in life. And I am trying each day.
I truly want that you learn from my mistakes, because the one who learns from other's mistakes is wise.It saves you from unecessary pain and regret.
Your decisions must be taken by yourselves, don't let others influence you..Act wisely, have the courage to face everything and every one.
I wish the best for all of you..
Be happy.. :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Be the gardener of your life
I read these pearls of wisdom in an excerpt from the interview with Paulo Coehlo, author of The Alchemist and one of my favourites,
"In life,each person can take one of the two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders may take years over their task, but one day , they finish what they are doing. Then they find that they are hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its maening when the building stops. Then, there are those who plant. They endure storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But, unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener's constant attention, it allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure.
Gardeners always recognise each other, because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole world."
This text provoked me to think whether I am developing myself each day?? Whether I know what are my weaknesses and am I trying to overcome them??
We all should seek the answers to these questions. It is very important to work upon ourselves at each moment of our life.
Like, I need to develop self -control and willpower. At present, I am a slave to my impulses. I always give away to my desires. I never try to exercise self control.
But, to make the garden of our life beautiful and lively, we have to continuously identify and work upon ourselves.
Anger, lack of willpower, Laziness, greed, selfishness are some of the very common weaknesses of the mind, one or more of which we all must be possessing.
The garden of life can bloom only when we develop ourselves to the most. Every one of has been created by the same hand. All of us have strengths and weaknesses. We should strive to overcome the weaknesses and work upon the strengths.
Recognise your weaknesses and strenghts and start working upon them.
Positive results will follow..
And remember another simple gardening tip of life
"Plant yourself next to those who make you breathe freely and help you grow, not next to those who suffocate you."
Happy blogging.. :)
"In life,each person can take one of the two attitudes: to build or to plant. The builders may take years over their task, but one day , they finish what they are doing. Then they find that they are hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its maening when the building stops. Then, there are those who plant. They endure storms and all the many vicissitudes of the seasons, and they rarely rest. But, unlike a building, a garden never stops growing. And while it requires the gardener's constant attention, it allows life for the gardener to be a great adventure.
Gardeners always recognise each other, because they know that in the history of each plant lies the growth of the whole world."
This text provoked me to think whether I am developing myself each day?? Whether I know what are my weaknesses and am I trying to overcome them??
We all should seek the answers to these questions. It is very important to work upon ourselves at each moment of our life.
Like, I need to develop self -control and willpower. At present, I am a slave to my impulses. I always give away to my desires. I never try to exercise self control.
But, to make the garden of our life beautiful and lively, we have to continuously identify and work upon ourselves.
Anger, lack of willpower, Laziness, greed, selfishness are some of the very common weaknesses of the mind, one or more of which we all must be possessing.
The garden of life can bloom only when we develop ourselves to the most. Every one of has been created by the same hand. All of us have strengths and weaknesses. We should strive to overcome the weaknesses and work upon the strengths.
Recognise your weaknesses and strenghts and start working upon them.
Positive results will follow..
And remember another simple gardening tip of life
"Plant yourself next to those who make you breathe freely and help you grow, not next to those who suffocate you."
Happy blogging.. :)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Books - Food for the mind
Books are the most fabulous source of knowledge. The books we read have an influence on our thinking and attitude towards life. It may be observed from my posts also. My posts always reflect the thoughts expressed in the books I read.
Books are food for mind. Each type of book consists of certain specific nutrients. Our mind utilises the energy obtained from the different types of nutrients present in different types of books to evolve our thinking and produce energy.
For me, books also act as food for the soul. Infact, they act as the dessert, which is the most delicious part of a meal. I actually get rejoiced by reading a book of my choice whenever I am in a bad mood.
Today was a busy day for me, I couldn't read something, nor did I get time to write here. But I'll be back soon.. Keep reading good books and delight your mind..
Happy blogging.. :)
Books are food for mind. Each type of book consists of certain specific nutrients. Our mind utilises the energy obtained from the different types of nutrients present in different types of books to evolve our thinking and produce energy.
For me, books also act as food for the soul. Infact, they act as the dessert, which is the most delicious part of a meal. I actually get rejoiced by reading a book of my choice whenever I am in a bad mood.
Today was a busy day for me, I couldn't read something, nor did I get time to write here. But I'll be back soon.. Keep reading good books and delight your mind..
Happy blogging.. :)
Friday, June 5, 2009
The purpose of life is a life of purpose
God has sent all of us to earth to accomplish some tasks.Each one of us has been assigned a task to be fulfilled. We have to search for the purpose of our life. As is said by Robin Sharma in his book The monk who sold his ferrari:
When you clearly know what aims you wish to achieve over the course of life,and you spend your days accomplishing them,you will ultimately find joy. It is known as our "Dharma" which is the sanskrit word for life's purpose. Dharma is based upon the ancient principle that says every one has a heroic mission when we walk this Earth. We have all been granted a unique set of gifts and talents that will readily allow us to realise this lifework. The key is to discover them , and in doing so, discover the main objective of your life.
There is always the apparent risk that comes with self examination and soul searching. Many people quit their jobs that have stifled their progress the moment they discover the true purpose of their existence. Self knowledge is the DNA of self enlightenment."
This book proved to be life changing for me. I had screwed up my life and was regretting my decisions taken in the past. I had developed the thinking that everything has been screwed till now and nothing can be changed. My decision of pursuing was the most regretted decision for me. I was least interested in my course and was practically goal-less. This book gave me the courage to dream. It taught me that courage allows you to do whatever you want to do because you know it is right. There is never a risk in discovering yourself and the mission of your life. now, instead of brawling over my decisions, I am getting involved in the activities which interest me. This blog is also a result of the motivation and optimism that this book has embodied in me.
It is very essential for all of us to learn these lessons of self-mastery and inner fulfillment. We cannot Love others until we love ourselves, we cannot keep others happy, until we are happy with ourselves.
The moment we set our goals and start working upon them, our life changes to a purposeful one, where we know what our "dharma" is.
The joy and fulfillment achieved by this is beyond any material happiness and it is a lasting one, you feel content and satisfied with yourself and are ready to take up any challenges that life is going to give you.
So keep searching, and follow your goal with passion, because passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams.
n yes, Happy blogging :)
When you clearly know what aims you wish to achieve over the course of life,and you spend your days accomplishing them,you will ultimately find joy. It is known as our "Dharma" which is the sanskrit word for life's purpose. Dharma is based upon the ancient principle that says every one has a heroic mission when we walk this Earth. We have all been granted a unique set of gifts and talents that will readily allow us to realise this lifework. The key is to discover them , and in doing so, discover the main objective of your life.
There is always the apparent risk that comes with self examination and soul searching. Many people quit their jobs that have stifled their progress the moment they discover the true purpose of their existence. Self knowledge is the DNA of self enlightenment."
This book proved to be life changing for me. I had screwed up my life and was regretting my decisions taken in the past. I had developed the thinking that everything has been screwed till now and nothing can be changed. My decision of pursuing was the most regretted decision for me. I was least interested in my course and was practically goal-less. This book gave me the courage to dream. It taught me that courage allows you to do whatever you want to do because you know it is right. There is never a risk in discovering yourself and the mission of your life. now, instead of brawling over my decisions, I am getting involved in the activities which interest me. This blog is also a result of the motivation and optimism that this book has embodied in me.
It is very essential for all of us to learn these lessons of self-mastery and inner fulfillment. We cannot Love others until we love ourselves, we cannot keep others happy, until we are happy with ourselves.
The moment we set our goals and start working upon them, our life changes to a purposeful one, where we know what our "dharma" is.
The joy and fulfillment achieved by this is beyond any material happiness and it is a lasting one, you feel content and satisfied with yourself and are ready to take up any challenges that life is going to give you.
So keep searching, and follow your goal with passion, because passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams.
n yes, Happy blogging :)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I'd written this long tym ago..Its a silly poem dedicated to my friends.. :)
I used to think that the god above,
hasnt written any frnd in my fate to love..
Whoever i considerd my frnd was lost and gone,
I ws sad and all alone..
U came into my lyf
as an angel,as a star..
As a frnd who cared..
As a frnd who listened and healed all my bruises..
Dont ever take me wrong
coz my world is the sky n ur my pole star..
Who lightens up my life each minute, each day
each hour..
Just wanted u to know,
ur precious
Please never go..
I used to think that the god above,
hasnt written any frnd in my fate to love..
Whoever i considerd my frnd was lost and gone,
I ws sad and all alone..
U came into my lyf
as an angel,as a star..
As a frnd who cared..
As a frnd who listened and healed all my bruises..
Dont ever take me wrong
coz my world is the sky n ur my pole star..
Who lightens up my life each minute, each day
each hour..
Just wanted u to know,
ur precious
Please never go..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Luv v/s Attachment
One of my friends told me a couple of days ago that "luv is never sad,its the attachment which is sad"..
I was thinking over it for quite a while and found it to be 100% true..Most of the people blame love for the pain in relationships..Its the attachment that has to be blamed,and not luv..
People say that luv fades away with time..which they consider the cause of a failed relationship..
Actually the attachment between two people is the cause of the dulness..In the beginning of a relationship,you feel really very attached to the jst cant hold yourself from them..
With time,the attachment increases and so does the expectations..n wen the expectations are'nt feel gloomed..and you blame love..
Love never fades is eternal.It never has a beginning or an end. It's there within us even before we are born. We experience love in different forms at different stages of lyf. It is just lyk can neither be created nor be is just transformed from one form to another at different stages of lyf..
We get luv in the form of motherly luv,father's luv, luv from siblings, from friends and lover's love.. and our foremost task is to nourish it within us. Each form has its own specialty..which has to be understood and prioritised..
So keep loving and being loved..
Huh..!!my first post..!! :)
I'll get back with some other topic which is hovering through my mind..Happy blogging..!! :)
I was thinking over it for quite a while and found it to be 100% true..Most of the people blame love for the pain in relationships..Its the attachment that has to be blamed,and not luv..
People say that luv fades away with time..which they consider the cause of a failed relationship..
Actually the attachment between two people is the cause of the dulness..In the beginning of a relationship,you feel really very attached to the jst cant hold yourself from them..
With time,the attachment increases and so does the expectations..n wen the expectations are'nt feel gloomed..and you blame love..
Love never fades is eternal.It never has a beginning or an end. It's there within us even before we are born. We experience love in different forms at different stages of lyf. It is just lyk can neither be created nor be is just transformed from one form to another at different stages of lyf..
We get luv in the form of motherly luv,father's luv, luv from siblings, from friends and lover's love.. and our foremost task is to nourish it within us. Each form has its own specialty..which has to be understood and prioritised..
So keep loving and being loved..
Huh..!!my first post..!! :)
I'll get back with some other topic which is hovering through my mind..Happy blogging..!! :)
Hey Friends..
Hey ppl.. u all know the lighter side of my personality..but through this blog u wil get an insight in2 the deeper side of me.. obviously, u will find sum humour here n there bt i'll try to keep it serious. :)
It takes a lot of courage to start a blog..atleast for me..i am not a writer or sumthing..i am bad at english wat matters is the let's share them..
I guess this is the best possible way to connect with all of u..Feedback and comments are as this website says..Happy blogging..!!
It takes a lot of courage to start a blog..atleast for me..i am not a writer or sumthing..i am bad at english wat matters is the let's share them..
I guess this is the best possible way to connect with all of u..Feedback and comments are as this website says..Happy blogging..!!
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Love n hate..
“It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.”